5 Activities that will Help you Deal with Exhaustion – Giftgowns

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5 Activities that will Help you Deal with Exhaustion

Experiencing exhaustion is common.  For some people, they wake up exhausted no matter how well they slept or how long they slept for.  When this happens, doing moderately stimulating activities can be a big help!  This is because they keep your mind busy without using so much energy that you end up becoming even more exhausted.  In this blog, we have compiled some non-screen-related activities that will help with exhaustion in the morning.



Journaling is a great way to stimulate your mind, which makes it a perfect way to start your day.  Journaling has also been shown to relieve stress, which is an added bonus.


Audiobooks or Podcasts

Whichever one of these you prefer, listening to something in the morning is a great way to keep busy without the need to invest a ton of energy into it.  The best part about this activity is that you can multitask with it – audiobooks and podcasts are perfect to listen to when you’re making breakfast!


Knitting or Crocheting

This one might take some time to learn, but once you get good it can become a very soothing activity that can ease your mind while keeping you stimulated.  Plus, it’s really fun!


Make a Puzzle

Puzzles are a great way to keep your mind busy while you wake up.  Plus, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction of completing a puzzle that you’ve worked hard on.


Draw or Color

If you’re feeling exhausted, combat it by letting your creativity flow.  Doodling and using adult coloring books are both super fun, and they can keep you occupied for hours on end.


We hope you find these tips useful and that we have given you some ideas on how to ease your exhaustion in the morning.