Ways to Give Back To Those In The Hospital – Giftgowns

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Ways to Give Back To Those In The Hospital

Donate a Giftgown SickKids If you’ve spent any time in the hospital, you know how difficult it can be to keep your spirits up. So, when you meet a nurse or doctor who helps keep your spirits up, you’re forever grateful. Having a positive experience like that makes you want to give back to the hospital where you stayed, and those within it, so we came up with a few ideas for you! 

Here are three ways to give back to those in the hospital: 

Buy 1 Giftgown Donate 1 Giftgown

It’s always great to have a Giftgown on hand if you have a chronic illness, because who knows when you’re going to need it? Even better, if you’re looking to give back to hospitals, or those in the hospital this holiday season, why not participate in our Buy 1 Giftgown, Donate 1 Giftgown program? That way, you’ll have a Giftgown for yourself, or a loved one on hand (just in case), and we’ll donate a Giftgown on your behalf so someone else has one when they need it! What’s not to love?

Volunteer your time

Hospitals are always looking for volunteers, whether it’s to work in certain wards, or helping keep patients company, volunteers and their time are always appreciated. Think about it, wouldn’t it have been nice to have a friendly face keep you company and make you smile when your loved ones weren’t around? Be that person for someone else. It’ll make a world of difference. 

Advocate for the patients

If you’re not interested in going back in the hospital, why not advocate for the hospital? Whether that’s fundraising for them, educating people on the incredible work they do, or even representing them at local meetings & working with the community to support them. It’s hard work, but it’s rewarding and you’ll definitely have a positive impact on a hospital that helped get you where you are today! 

We wanted to give you three different options, with three different commitment levels because everyone has different energy levels, and time they can commit. We hope we’ve inspired you to give back to those in the hospital this holiday season!